I've recently gotten into lipsticks, mainly MAC lipsticks. They seem to have the best staying power and color payoff, and aren't very expensive.
I currently have 3 MAC colors, Siss, Ruby Woo, and Rebel, which is the focus of this review.

Rebel is a purple-wine-berry color that is vampier than your typical red, more "acceptable" than a bright pink or violet, yet light enough to get away with in the daytime.It lasts a very long time, and even when it does fade away your lips are stained with the color.
Here's Rebel swatched on my hand. It's the middle of winter, so I've lightened up to NC44-45ish.
Here are my lips bare. I only have on EOS so the color doesn't stain as much.
And with Rebel. No lip liner, pretty opaque.
The color in the tube looks a tad darker then it really is. I would recommend this to anyone who wants a berry tones lipstick. If you are olive toned and don't believe me, check out NiaSays' video
HERE in which she wears the lipstick(the last look), and if you are porcelain toned, there are a lot of bloggers who have reviewed this. I have found some but I don't want to link a picture from another person's blog. I thought FashionRocksmySocks from YouTube had it but she doesn't... but seriously, google it lol (sorry)
Feel free to comment with any questions!